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eProcurement Portal Basics: Registering a Vendor

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Registering a vendor requires both the buyers and the vendors to perform a sequence of tasks.

Buyer actions – 1

Registration of vendors can be initiated by navigating to the menu option called “Vendors” from the left Panel for Buyers.

Buyer portal menu option for Vendors

Selecting the option will display the Vendors screen. At the top of this screen, you will see an option to request vendor registration.

The buyer needs to enter the vendor’s email id and click on send. The vendor will receive an email with the link to signup

Vendor actions

On clicking the link, the below page will be displayed, where they need to fill out their details.

  • On clicking submit, the vendor will receive an email to verify the account.
  • Upon verification, their details will show up in the buyers portal, under unmapped vendors.

Buyer’s actions – 2

Unmapped vendors are listed under the “Vendors” screen. Click on the “Show Unmapped Vendors” button to display the list of unmapped vendors.

Option to show unmapped vendors

Unmapped vendor details are shown in a tabular format. Click on the down-arrow button under “Action” to display more details about vendors. The row will expand to show the information below.

Mapping actions popup
  1. On this section, click on Mapping actions.
  2. On the mapping actions popup, Select the workflow for approval. Note: workflows will need to be created beforehand.
  3. You must also select the registration form that was filled by the vendor with all the vendor details.
  4. Finally, click on map under actions to map the vendor.

The vendor is now mapped and available for selection for RFQs.

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